Useful information
Last updated
Last updated
Two audits have been performed by Certik and Solidity Finance.
Solidity Finance report is now published. Certik report is now published.
Once audit reports are finalised, initial bug bounty period passes & approved by community, both front-end and back-end repos will be fully open sourced and links will be shared here. The PHAME protocol consists of smart contracts deployed on blockchains.
Users can interact directly with the smart contracts using blockchain explorers such as The Phame frontend repo is a fork from GMX v1 frontend repo, and provides code to simplify contract interaction and to view protocol information and can be deployed by any community member.
DAPP link: (IPFS) Alt DAPP link 1: (IPFS)
Stats page: (IPFS) Alt Stats page 1: (IPFS) v1 legacy link: (IPFS) v1 legacy stats page: (IPFS) v1 legacy alt link: (IPFS)
Please note all DAPP front-ends are hosted via IPFS. If you use Brave Browser or Opera IPFS hashes should be accessible without the need for an additional extension.
Clicking the IPFS button in Brave address bar will take you to an IPFS URI with latest IPFS hash such as ipfs://bafybeihggsczyqu6gin5tcgmjby5eroyxeyqe63g2hz2xuleg2p7ff6v4m for more information please visit this , or best practice to install IPFS extension here
Phatty is a wallet aggregation website that provides analytics and other useful information which it pulls from numerous third party providers.
Phatty is independent and NOT responsible for any protocols or token development.
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Key PHAME protocol contracts are all verified on Users can read codes and execute read & write contract functions. PhameTimelockController 0x899d009c5FB759B37996DF4CC616eBDf89c16972
PositionRouter 0x8B5cCB7e0b77DbB2a1A701288Fe4351D4D067a2D
Vault 0x3dC4033fF5c04FdE3369937434961ca47AC7cA26
PHAME Token 0x8854bc985fb5725f872c8856bea11b917caeb2fe
PHLP token 0xf8bba8b1b1a05992b18051e4e79415364cbf4539
PHLP Manager 0x268976b5B57A75A0a3e25Bf1d567BB72418b2925