Useful information
Audit Reports
Two audits have been performed by Certik and Solidity Finance.
Solidity Finance report is now published. Certik report is now published.
Open Source
Once audit reports are finalised, initial bug bounty period passes & approved by community, both front-end and back-end repos will be fully open sourced and links will be shared here.
Community deployed and maintained links:
DAPP link: (IPFS)
DAPP back-up link: (IPFS)
Please note all DAPP front-end is hosted via IPFS and anyone can host it. If you use Brave Browser or Opera IPFS hashes should be accessible without the need for an additional extension. The Phiat frontend repo is a fork from AAVE v2 frontend repo, and provides code to simplify contract interaction and to view protocol information and can be deployed by any community member. Clicking the IPFS button in Brave address bar will take you to an IPFS URI such as ipfs://bafybeiemxf5abjwjbikoz4mc3a3dla6ual3jsgpdr4cjr3oz3evfyavhwq/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh.html (for more information please visit this )
Phatty Links
Phatty is a wallet aggregation website that provides analytics and other useful information which it pulls from numerous third party providers.
Phatty is independent and NOT responsible for any protocols or token development.
Simply go to
Social Media Links:
Contract Addresses:
coming soon
Last updated